
Monday, April 5, 2010

2K mistake

Last Wednesday (31.03.2010), did a careless mistake which cost RM2K plus. I'm really feel guilty...I'll remember this and promised won't happen again.

This is the first time I carried out the assay by my own...I observed it before which is around 2 months ago. This assay is abit tedious and never think that i used around 2 hours plus just to do the samples preparation. Should said that I'm not organized in the sample preparation and I'm admitted it.

I should not do the mistake but frankly speaking, that time I was in abit rush. More haste, less speed and mistake also easily happen. That time is nearly reached 5pm, what i worried is that the reader machine. As I know, not much lab got this machine and i scared everyone is away (other lab) which i can't used the machine and my samples can't wait!! My supervisor is still new and poor (instead of grant money) which can't buy all those lab requirement equipments at once time. If the required machine is available in my shared lab, do u think we'll ask from u?? Stupid!!! Machine is there but can't use. Damn pity. Luckily there are still some helpful person in the department which can lend a hand and I managed to do the reading.

In term of the lab facilities usage, actually I more prefer what is in Science Faculty (my undergraduate faculty) where they can shared the equipment and don't have such so-called "politic issue". Feel that in my department (now), alot of money was wasted just in buying equipments. Why can't they shared (some but not all)? Why sometimes they are just so selfish? Izzit the culture in this department? Other department in the faculty also encounter this "Good" culture? I really don't think so...at least they don't have this kind of "politic issue"...Damn!!

Don't blame on others but myself coz the mistake is due to me not other...>.<
Just a simple hope. Can I do my labwork peacefully?
Learn from the mistake and lesson and sure no more repeating.



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