Finally, my 3rd year 1st sem is officially ended. As usual, when out for having a big meal for celebration of release, after about two weeks of the "suffering" exam. Over-stressed and the most hardworking compared to previous few sems...
This time, went out to T.G.I Friday...
and movie and crappy together??
Yes..It seemed or it did?

-----------------------------------------------------------------Friday's Chicken----------------------------Roma Chicken Cutlet---

----------Chocolate Malt Cake---------------------Cookies 'N' Cream----------------------------Boneless Wings----

-Sizzling Chicken and Cheese-----------------------------------------------------------------------Fried Mac & Cheese-----
i prefer everything in the last sem,
everyone is there and u are there also..
actually, i love this sem too...
friendship between us has been improved and tightened stronger,
and, we become closer and closer.
become more crappier and crappier,
having a lot fun and enjoyment with you all.
I thank and I appreciate...
However, changes happen from time to time...
I hate to attend class before,
and I rather stay at home...
it takes a whole sem try to dilute it,
realizing or unexpected,
another is happening too!!
I hate i hate i hate
right or wrong,
forgive or blame,
cool down or angry,
should or should not,
all gone...
And realizing that,
a type of bond that called "FRIENDSHIP BOND"
even from the initial just sticked by chance by van der waals force,
to become binded by covalent bonds,
and then tightened by ionic bonds,
but still cannot escape from the nature of unstability...
it is highly environmental dependent,
can be influenced by various factors,
temperature, heat, pressure bla bla bla
and some internal factors...
it seems is a lost but can consider a gain too...
from different perspectives different angles,
all are good enough...
and for the one who always be the Budak Baik
as what i previously offered,
i still owe u one "yan cheng" coupon,
when u need it u can use it for exchange anything,
i will try my best to redeem it for u...
( in term of helping)
Roomate, thanks for listening,
leave 1 more sem be with you..
enjoy ur home sweet home and found ur peace,
happy holidays..
Every sem,
need to adapt to new environment.
This coming and final sem,
again...still same
n Happy Birthday。。