
Friday, November 28, 2014

双威金字塔:The Manhattan FISH MARKET @Sunway Piramid

又是到了一个TGIF欢乐星期五的时候,却也是一个黑色星期五(Black Friday)。在西方的信仰中,刚好坐落在13号的星期五是属不幸运的一天,所以就有了这一个“黑色星期五“的名词了。可是,这一天的星期五并不是13号,为何是黑色星期五呢?原来,黑色星期五也有另外的一个意义,而今天的黑色星期五也就是指购物日,通常在感恩节(Thanksgiving Day-11月第4个星期四) 之后的第一天,也表示圣诞档期的首个购物日。在西方的国家,一些品牌,商场或网购(国内也有)在这一天都有着疯狂的促销。感恩节和黑色星期五,到现在我才知道有着这么的节日,哈哈。。。

双威金字塔:The Manhattan FISH MARKET @Sunway Piramid

其实,这是一个告别的星期五。今天,是一位同事最后一天的上班日,而再过两天也刚好是她的生日,就这样我们为她搞了一个欢送午餐聚会兼简单的生日庆生。每一次有这样的聚 餐,邻近步行而至的Sunway Piramid购物广场肯定是我们首选的地方。这一次,经过好几间餐厅筛选后,我们决定了The Manhattan FISH MARKET。

The Manhattan FISH MARKET @Sunway Piramid

LG2.49, Lower Ground 2, Red Zone,  No.3 Jalan PJS 11/15 Bandar Sunway, 46150 Petaling Jaya.
03-7491 3683
3°4'21″N 101°36'26″E”

3°4'21″N 101°36'26″E”

Make Money at : http://bit.ly/copy_win
3°4'21″N 101°36'26″E”

Make Money at : http://bit.ly/copy_win

这一次的聚餐会,总共有11人,也是第一次这么多同事三大种族一起聚餐。我们之前就已预约1130集合,由于我和另外两位朋友是较后才抵达,来到的时候也就是等待进餐的时候了。The Manhattan FISH MARKET有推出新的海鲜拼盘,从那吸引的宣传单上,11人的我们叫了3盘。



我们叫了两盘Volcano Island
An island of spicy jewels - juicy seafood in Murray Curry, fried scallops, poached spicy dory nuggets, Volcano mussels and crispy baguette on a bed of Garlic Herb rice. 

和一盘Fried Giant
Strike gold with this platter of crunchy prawns, crispy fish fingers, cherry snapper fillets, battered onion strips and calamari coated with crushed peanuts. Enjoy it all with a selection of dips - Cajun Honey Mustard, Smoky Chipotle, Tartar and Onion Glory Dip. 

每一盘海鲜拼盘附送的Caesar Salad
Lush romaine lettuce, eggs and homemade croutons, dressed with Parmesan cheese and drizzled with a homemade Caesar dressing for more oomph.

除了拼盘, 当然我们也有叫Add On饮料。看着那那些五颜六色的调配饮料,能够增加您的食欲吗?

1) Gummy Bear
The exciting flavors of Curacao and tropical fruit mix is guaranteed to liven up your senses.
2) Brooklyn Sunset
Tango with luscious mango juice and a touch of strawberry for a sweet and tropical getaway
3) Tropical Breese
A light and delicious Hawaiian fruit mocktail to quench your thirst

其中一位朋友叫了一个甜品- Super Fruit Crumble
A double scoop of vanilla ice-cream dressed in delicious apple sauce, layered with crunchy crumble and topped with cranberries.

而我们今天要欢送的朋友,是我们当中的“食家”,经由她推荐的食物介绍都很不错的,而她的心情也会被食物影响,只要能够吃上“好料”,心情也可以极度负转正。由于我们目前的住的地方都邻近,那近期内我们更是常常放工后结伴步行回家,以后也就少了一个伴了,也少了一个可以倾听与倾述活动与男女话题的脚了。 12月后,她就会前往一间大学继续深造或者当社会奴隶,也有可待知,无论如何,希望她一切顺利,钱途与前途都无可限量啦!


还好我们是比较早到开始进食,在之后约1230午餐时间的时候这里开始出现人潮的食客了,还有一些人在外面等待座位进食。The Manhattan FISH MARKET真的这么有魅力?这是我第二次在The Manhattan FISH MARKET餐厅进食,上一次是在谷中城广场也是前几年的事了。我的好几个朋友对这里的食物都有好评,而我则一般。对于我而言,我很少在外面进食海鲜,也不怎么喜欢炸海鲜料理,觉得这样会失去海鲜应有的鲜甜味道,所以Fish&Chips或Fried Fish Fillet这类的食物都不会是我的首要选择。其中有一位朋友更不是海鲜爱好者,可怜的他在这一餐皆是海鲜料理大餐中没什么食物可进食,结果在餐后他还需买KFC炸鸡餐来补食,哈哈。



1 comment:

Blogger said...

In this fashion my colleague Wesley Virgin's autobiography starts in this shocking and controversial VIDEO.

As a matter of fact, Wesley was in the military-and soon after leaving-he found hidden, "SELF MIND CONTROL" tactics that the government and others used to obtain anything they want.

These are the exact same methods many famous people (especially those who "come out of nowhere") and top business people used to become wealthy and famous.

You probably know that you use only 10% of your brain.

That's mostly because most of your brain's power is UNCONSCIOUS.

Perhaps this conversation has even taken place IN YOUR own head... as it did in my good friend Wesley Virgin's head 7 years back, while riding an unlicensed, trash bucket of a car without a driver's license and in his pocket.

"I'm very fed up with living check to check! Why can't I turn myself successful?"

You took part in those types of questions, ain't it right?

Your own success story is waiting to be written. Go and take a leap of faith in YOURSELF.