
Thursday, October 30, 2008

No More Nescafe

29号10月2008年 (星期三)


做RNA Quantitation 时,五个samples只有一个在purity的范围内。。还好在gel electrophoresis后的analysis, RNA的质量还好。。。哈哈。。这两天做的都只是trial罢了,我自己的论文sample要等考完试后才算真真开工。

明天本来也要去lab的,observe RT-PCR, 可是因为考试要温习的时间真的很不够, 所已我就和我的RA (Research Assistant) 提议考完试后才继续, 不想浪费时间去做lab...反正我在LI时对PCR也有大概的认识。只是到时可能要从早上做到晚上,这也是在预料之中的啦。。。

发觉这lab里面有很多的cuvettes, 在量O.D时节省了很多的时间。还有今天Dr. XXX的心情很好,自动和我微笑。相比昨天的她,最好别招惹。。嘻嘻。。人人都说她很情绪化,和她接触过的人都---,保留。

Lunch时间,Jeff今天的心情也超好,眉开眼笑。。也不懂他几时煞出在lab里,开口的第一句:"食lunch 咯..." 然后也叫了Zach和我那几个在图书馆温习的死党去KPS吃午餐。。。我和Jeff先去,Zach随后,然后在KPS meet 他们。。途中,Jeff说图书馆前有Nescafe流动车派咖啡喝,想要去拿来喝提提神(我也想要去拿),可是懒惰走,还想叫他们(美仪,慧和Candy)从图书馆走过来的时候端几杯过来(可是没有叫到)。哈哈。。。果然心有灵犀,当他们到达时,手上竟然棒着三杯咖啡,是他们特地拿过来给我们喝,太好了,谢哟。。我,Jeff和Zach一人一杯。。。

午餐后,我们还特地走去图书馆,想再喝,可是那流动车已经走了(明知道它只是到一点罢,可是想去碰运气)。过后,我们三人(我,Jeff和Zach) 就继续回去做Lab, 他们回图书馆温习。Lab后,我就去图书馆join他们一起温习。。。什么QTL Mapping 来的!!!我根本不认识你啦!!!

美仪还特地带给我们一人一包他家乡闻名的昆仑喇叭香饼(之前也带过给我们好几次了)。。谢谢哟。。Candy, 我都说的啦,“此地无银三百两也。。”。。哈哈。。。


Wednesday, October 29, 2008


28号10月2008年 (星期二)

今天,算是我真真开始去lab...observe 了RNA extraction, 那步骤和我在实习时期做的没什么差别,都是用Trizol Reagent, 大同小异。。。发觉在用centrifuge machine 的时候,觉得有点可悲及麻烦,因为每次centrifuge后等待next round centrifugation (transfer the supernantant and then add on xxx solution and then centrifuge again!!), 都要关掉所有的大小开关(不要问为什么,this is rule, just follow) 。而这transfer的过程却只不过几分钟而已,少则一两分钟,多则十分钟。不是说要浪费电源,而是连接的开与关, 会使机械更加地磨损(是我觉的啦。。)就好像电脑一样,偶尔的休息十分钟,都要shutdown电脑,然后开回不到十分钟又shutdown又开回。。。然后又shutdown, 这样的话,坏了也不要多埋怨!!而且,每次用完后那centrifuge machine, 都要记录在一本准备好的簿子里,以防万一有什么不对劲,也可以trace back。麻烦,真的有点麻烦, 相反地。。在iPPT实习期间,那centrifuge machine 一天里不用这样on/off不懂多少遍,那总开关也24小时没关过,而且也不用什么纪录。。或许这就是undergraduate 做lab work 的需求呢?还是这是UM的Style?

Lab 后,在炎阳烈日的下午,步行回到家。。。好累啊!!

连接下来的这几天,都要去lab...以为我的论文lab work 有大概的idea..study week 了,都还没真真开始温习,一个星期的温习周,虽然知道真的很不够,可是前几天我却浪费了。。惨了!希望接下来的那几天,我能够更专心一志。。。tak cek tak cek tak cek..

People say: "Aim for the moon, even fall down still can land on star".

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Buffet-Style DimSum

Finally, went for Dimsum Buffet at LiJin Chinese Fusion Cuisine, Level 6, Pavilion.

At the early 8.30am (I'm late abit..hehe), me and Neoh Hun depart together from UT and then meet up with Mei Yee at LRT University Station. In wondering of how to go PuduRaya, by either LRT or bus, suddenly, Mei Yee popped up with "We take TAXI loh..."...I'm flexible...

We went for Pudu first as Mei Yee and Neoh Hun needed to buy their bus ticket going back to hometown. After that, we walked all the way from Pudu to Pavillion (although Mei Yee had to suggest to take TAXI again..). Along the way, we passed by Federal Hotel and stopped awhile as Neoh Hun want to ask for something. Rupa-rupanya there got 1 revolving restaurant that located at 18th level.

Upon arriving Pavillion, i'm attracted by an event that held in front the entrance there. And, 3 of us participated in one of the games (guessing which cups with marble inside), but none of us guess it correctly. Then, we entered into the Pavillion Shopping Mall to get the exact location and have a look of the restaurant. There have 3 dining time for dimsum buffet which each session lasted for 2 hours.

We have 6 person all together for the dimsum. Since we needed to wait for another 3 friends - Jeff, Zach and KimHian, then only we had to take the second dining time, 12.45pm to 2.45pm. There have 39 choices of dimsum (according to the receptionist), including SiewMai烧卖, HarKao虾饺, FishMai鱼卖, LoMaiGei罗米鸡, PaiGuot排骨, ChickenFeet凤爪, PrawnZhuCheungFen虾陷猪肠粉, ZhuCheungFen猪肠粉, FishBall鱼旦, Fried Fish ball炸鱼旦, SaladPrawn沙律虾, CharSiewPao叉烧包, NaiYaoPau奶油包, ShangYukPao生肉包, EggTarts蛋挞, FuKok炸芋头糕, LoBakGou罗卜糕, ChunQun春卷, CharSiewTat叉烧, FriedPrawnRoll炸虾卷 ....... FriedMiHun炒, CenturyEggPorridge皮蛋粥, and RedBeanPaste红豆沙.

We had eat 43 basket of dimsum (exclude the porridge and dessert)..worth anot?? TOTALLY is RM147.20 which around RM 24.50 for each. All these include Dimsum RM18.80 per person, titbits RM3.00, wet-towel tissue RM 1 each, tea RM2.00 per person and 10% service charge. Opps...really full, super full until wanna burst!!

The food overall is ok, but some are served in COOL!!! till Zach and KimHian are forced to eat the LoBakGou...The red bean paste, salad prawn and fried prawn roll are nice while other still acceptable. The manager keep on looking at our order form as if we'll run away without paying or exceed dining time!! "Kick"...

I felt super sleepy after the dimsum seems like the dimsum had been added xxx (actually I only slept 4 hours the day before)...3 of them (Jeff, Zach and KimHian) went back first and we accompany MeiYee to Pudu. Then, I'm going back to my brother's place by taking LRT and NeohHun back to UT by bus...(walked from Pavillion to Pudu to Pasar Seni..*sweat + sleepy* )

Thanks for being such a great friend...

Saturday, October 25, 2008


24号10月2008年 (星期五)

和美仪在 Sac Fac 吃午餐,聊了好多好多。。。原来都有同感。。笑~
Judge VS Lawyer VS Jury... Stop stop stop...:
Her word is LAW, her word is law...

晚餐又去Sentosa, 每次去都吃不到花生糊。。真的很没甚么缘 ^,<... 慧晚上要去Lab... Jeff牺牲了“李小龙传奇”。。。 雪糕和电影争执后,觉得都应该 --- 蚂蚁出现就惨了, Candy和我先妙计载美仪回家。。 慧不好意思了。。 “很醒目的wor...”, “当然” 沿路crap了很多... 九点半啦。。 晚上去Lab有点恐怖, 走廊暗暗的,只有厕所灯那点点微光。。。 Lab也静静地, 听到哒哒声...拉着Candy走快点。。听不到听不到!! Lionel真的也很Crap的。。。可是3.95的wor.... All are crappy gang !! 9点半变成11点多了, 在外靠朋友,也是对的。 时间溜走不自觉。。 其实也学到很多, Lionel分析的Gel Electrophoresis Analysis 真的获益不少。。。 还在什么Baskin Robin ~哈 Study Week 也要去Lab... 这学期结束了,等待考试中。 剩最后一个Sem了, 怎么这么快!!讨厌!!



Thursday, October 23, 2008


- My Part of Collection -

大雄。Nobita Nobi



- 多啦利钮。多啦梅度。马他多啦。多啦A梦。多啦小子。多啦王。多啦尼可夫 -


多啦利钮 - 巴西
多啦梅度 - 阿拉伯
马他多啦 - 西班牙
多啦A梦 - 日本
多啦小子 - 美国
多啦王 - 中国
多啦尼可夫 - 俄罗斯


Sunday, October 19, 2008


现实画面有多少% ?






"哒。哒。哒。。。" 乒乓球来回的球声盘旋在耳边。。。。





微微笑去面对 :P

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Footprint In South

-Muar-KotaTinggi-Johor Bharu-Kulai --- 3-5/10/08

-HoneyDew Johor Trip-

Day 1:
In the early morning, CheeKaw (CK) stick to his punctuality rule come and fetch me at the right 8.15am (Suppose wait at 8.30am and depart at 9am). Wait together with FongSeang (FS) and May at 12th col for more than 30 minutes, the always "unpunctuality" WoonChung (WC) still with his usual pattern!! Opps...until 9pm he still not yet appear himselves!! What la, fren...go for outgoing and enjoying but still want be late!! Our patience start to challenge us...Burst!! We decided leave 1st and wait him at KL gate...After pumped the petrol, then our journey start at 9.30am.

After a journey of about 2 hours, we reached Muar to meet JiaWen (JW). Haha...Muar bridge, we cross U!!JW then bring us to eat the local famous ais-kacang and char-kuey-teow for lunch, and bought some Muar Otak-otak which is famous throughout the Malaysia...and aslo some SiewBao...Hehe...in a walk in the Muar town, a shop with its title "Tukang Jahit Soon Aik" "blinks" our eye @_@...?? Huh??( Hehe...continue to trace the answer...wahaha..)Then, JW bring us to Tanjung-a nice bay that usually for Muarian to hang out...

-Tanjung, Muar-

Then, we proceed to JW's house....Haha...At first, JW is not joining us but accept our so called "kind invitation" after our continuous physco-persuade-physco-force (We also feel abit guity as we also physcho her mother to let her go with us..)

We reached Kota Tinggi at 6++pm..with the clear route and house direction given by YeeYing (YY), we manage to find her house..Since "Government" is not there, thus,we just have our own crazy visit just step into house, from living room, room by room, toilet, kitchen, storeroom...Haha...then we only realize YY's art potential, with some of her portrait drawing of some artist hang on the wall of the kitchen..Fantastic, all is need just with a pencil!!!

Suppose we have chance to pasar malam...but at the same time, we need to wait SoonAik (AK) travel from Singapore , we miss it..Sob Sob...However, we had our K-singing and poker card playing while waiting for AK..Hey..HanTsong (HT), what songs that you don't know to sing??..Arrgh... our stomach is knocking!! AK!!What time will YOu arrive!! Upon arriving of him, we directly go for dinner at a nearby restaurant. After dinner, we continue our K-singing party..Haha..everyone is addicted to singing!!!

At midnight, we went out for supper at nearby mamak stall...Opps..we are frightened by a gang of motorcyclist where they have their "motorocycle road-show" performance!! But, we believe our "MAN" ...wahaha....During the supper time, they are "entertained" by my cold-jokes & games!! Until around 4am, then only we went back...Wow...Sleepy!! Really sleepy!!

Day 2:
As what we all agree yesterday night, we should wakeup before 10am just because of the famous bah-kut-teh that only open until 10am. BUT, none of us manage to wake up on time!! Opps..we miss the bah-kut-teh and only have 2 in 1 breakfast + lunch at nearby food station. Hurray!! After that, we head to Kota Tinggi Waterfall Park. The entrance fee for the park is RM9..Haha...thanks for FongChit (FC), YY and WC for being cameramen..lol...only 7 of us went down to enjoy the FRESH water..

-Waterfall park, Kota Tinggi

After the waterfall park, we went back to have our bath...Haha, coconut drink party begin!! Thank YY for the coconut and CK and FC for helping us to open up the coconut...Hehe..YY is poited as coconut princess, CK as coconut prince and FC as sugarcane princess...haha...where the sugarcane prince?

Since we are lacking of time, so we can either go DangaBay or Firefly watch for nightime activity. Since majortiy of us had been watched firefly before, then we decided to DangaBay..Our dinner is at a restaurant on d way to Danga Bay - Johor Bharu which is famous for its curry claypot fish...Not bad not bad..it really taste good. Then, we have a short JB town tour before proceed to DangaBay...It really a super relaxing place and nice place for dating..Haha..since we have been there, then we mix and match between ourselves as couples..wahaha...Do we looked alike?

Between, there has one funfair at DangaBay...haha..we all still young hor!!! Play carousel!! And we have a walk along the bay and chit-chat among ourselves. A ship with colouring light that anchored there attracted me much... until 12++am then only went back.

- Danga Bay, Johor Bharu -

Day 3:
Since we desired to have the bah-kut teh and hope to go back kl earlier (scare of tracffic jam due to balik kampung phenomena in HariRaya..), we all managed to wakeup at 8am and depart for bah-kut-teh breakfast that located far away from KotaTinggi town. Thanks for YY's mother for treating us...After breakfast, we proceed to Kulai to visit CK's house before went back to KL. Haha...Ck then bring us to eat the well-taste ais-kacang in Kulai...the variety of ais kacang is around 30 types...I never eat that type of ais-kacang with chocolate top-up before..It really very smooth..I like it..

On the way went back to KL...i slept alot inside the car.. really feel super sleepy (~.~)
CK...wow...u still can stay awake all the time even lacking of enough sleeping time..
WC...pls...don't always drive in the middle between two lanes..


San Francisco Steakhouse

"Hey...where want to eat wor? fine..go outside eat lo...but no money wor, really very poor la.." our batch of future geneticist always complaining no money, no money..but what to do? Let go outside eat lo....

Someone say go Midvalley dun want eat at food court, then what to eat? First, plan to eat at KimGary, but someone pass by the KimGary but dun want stop, keep on continue walking till one restaurant - San Francisco Steakhouse. Hey, fren, that restaurant is very expensive la...when looking at the menu that display at outside, not bad wor...ONLY RM16.90 for the set lunch. Agree? everyone agree? OK...let go inside eat lo...hehe..at least can try 1 time..

We have 8 person all togather, 4 of us order the BBQ steak set while another 4 of them eat the breaded chicken set...but sure is all of us "boikot" the coke...haha....the set lunch includes the soup of the day, free-flow drink n 1 bun...haha...the ambient there is very nice..

After lunch, 5 of them are going back and 3 of us are heading to KLCC to meet some1 and then can go to what Bio Malaysia 08 exhibition...then 1 cup of RM 6 Mocha Lava and 1 waffer for teatime..

Haha...still have chance to have a small visit to Chorus Hotel and Mandarin Hotel...a 5-star hotel?
After that, have to take LRT, bus, walk and walk before can reach home....
Where is the next destination? Hehe...Exam is nearer, gambateh everyone la..

The surface of sea seems like peaceful and harmony,
but underwater waves we can't see ...