Date: 27-28 November 2010 (Saturday and Sunday)
Route: Kanching>Sg Tua>Ulu Yam>Hulu Tamu>Batang Kali>Rasa>Kuala Kubu Bharu>Homestay Sg Tengi.
Fees: RM100 per team (Very worth, include 1 night stay, 1 dinner, 1 breakfast, 1 T-shirt)
On that day, we were given a set of 20 questions and have to look for the destined scenes based on the questions along the route. Yeah, just take photo, photo, photo... We had our fun during the photo hunt process and time not enough for us (we not manage the time well?or we enjoyed ourselves in the nature until...) We are in a bit rush in the last few destinations, back to the last destination Sg Tengi Homestay late more than an hour, and rushing in selecting photo for submition.
Here is the 20 photos that we submit for the contest. Feel that some of the photos were out of title. Opps, almost forget, we are team 46 on that day.
Team 46, our group photo for identification purpose only
(During photo sharing session, feedback from organizer, SAMPAT....LOL)
***Hutan Lipur Sg. Kanching
1. 1,2,3,4,5,6,7...look for the sounds of gushing cool water.
(Can u feel the different?)
2. Look for the sounds of fun activities you can enjoy at the park.
(I like this photo much, the kids are so natural having their fun time. What a feeling photo instead!!)
***Empangan Batu
3. Find a perfect spot for relaxing or picnic
(What a so so standard photo?)
***Sungai Tua Waterfall
4. Your group member/s thrilled over the splashing waters of the "old river".
***Ulu Yam, Kolam Ikan Heritage
5. Doesn't matter if it is a day or night, hot or humid...it's the place for a sport with patience.
6. They are lively and gulping.
(Opps, the fish looked dying...)
*** Between Ulu Yam and Hulu Tamu
7. How do the village people cross the suspension bridge (or hanging bridge)
(Haha, we purposely ask a motorcycle passer-by to cross the bridge. Dunno he got scared by us anot...)
*** Anywhere along the way from Ulu Yam until Sg Tengi
8. Capture the any one type of fruits hanging from a fruit tree
9. Capture one of your favourite landscape pictures
10. Capture another fruit tree with hangin fruits that are juicy and nice
***Kolam Air Panas Hulu Tamu
11. Your group member/s enjoying a foot bath in the hot spring!
(So so pretended..lol)

***Kampung Hulu Tamu
12. The breathtaking views of the kampung of orang asli
***Lunch time (can be any place in Hulu Selangor)
13. One bar of Kit-Kat is not enough. Go for a lunch that can satisfy your hungry stomach.
(Haha, hungry ghost)
***Empangan Sungai Selangor
14. Clear blue water surrounded by lush green hills and forests.
(Where the green?)
15. What is the weather today? Misty or Blue skies?
***Pekan Kuala Kubu Bharu
16. Capture the charms of an old town with more than 80 years of history.
***On the way (from Kuala Kubu Bharu until Tanjung Malim Toll Plaza)
17. One of the authentic kampung houses in Hulu Selangor.
*** Sungai Tengi Homestay
18. A good way to experience kampung lifestyle is to help out with the daily chores of the homestay host family.
(Wow, we are tetamu khas?)
19. Special cultural performance from Sg Tengi Homestay.
(Haha, we missed the performance and simply get one photo...)
20. Team member/s enjoying the homestay activities.
Goodies Bag from the organizer : I like the travel magazine, directory and map much. Useful

Goodies Bag from the villager of Sg Tengi Homestay:

Showing off our T-shirt...

One day go for many places to look for the destined scenes. Really enjoy back to the nature, experience the difference, stay in a Malay kampung house and feeling the good. Its a wonderful outing.
Things would turn out unexpected,
when u not expected it, and
vice versa...
opps..we didn't not "digest" the question properly...haha...
ok la...at least these photos look nice in your blog(not as terrible as the compressed version in facebook)
*didnt digest"*
typo error
Haha, nvm la, we not aim for "WIN" also ma, as long as we had FUN and ENJOY...just take it as experience for next better shooting..^.^
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